A NFT is literally a Non Fungible Token, that is to say, this mean that you can’t copy. ¿You now? You of one dollar can take another dollar, but with a NFT you can’t do it. The NFT use the technology, and I want to remark that “not have anything similar to cryptos”, only with the term crypto and this mean that it is a thing that is hidden and encrypted, is basically a thing that it is there and has a part, and in the case it work in the blockchain and is inimitable. Nobody can copy or modify and this is the value that NFT has.

The good part of NFT’s are that suit a lot, because one NFT can be exposed in seven museums at the same time, in five hundred museums at the same ti, but someone has the property and he can buy, or not, he can just keep it, this is the value of NFT.
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